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Accessibility Policy


The goal of this Policy is to describe the guidelines followed by Incluzia Inc. employees and contractors to promote accessibility and inclusion in all of our operations.  

This Policy complies with the principles and guidelines set out in the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA). The content is designed to meet the requirements of the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service (under the AMA), as well as Incluzia Inc.’s accessibility and inclusion goals.   

If any barriers to our services or clinic facility are identified but cannot be removed, we seek to provide alternate ways to access our services. 

Our Commitment to Accessibility  

Incluzia Inc. is committed to the accessibility of all training, tools and consultation offered. We are committed to meeting and exceeding the requirements of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) and all applicable accessibility and human rights legislation in our operations serving customers. By providing accessible services, goods, information, and facilities wherever possible, we seek to ensure that inclusive access to our services and products enables dignified, informed, and independent participation for people of all abilities. We strive to incorporate the principles of integration and equality of opportunity in all of our operations, tools, training and consultation. 



Incluzia Inc. will provide accessibility training to all of our employees and contractors. This training will be provided during the initial onboarding period, when changes are made to applicable legislation, and when changes are made to our organization’s accessibility policies or procedures. 

Accessibility training will cover, at minimum:  

  • The principles, goals, and customer service standards of the AMA and applicable accessibility legislation;  
  • An overview of applicable Human Rights Code content that relates to persons with disabilities;  
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;  
  • How to interact and communicate with persons with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person;  
  • What to do if a person is having difficulty accessing Incluzia Inc.’s services or clinic facility and wants to provide feedback; and 
  • A description of Incluzia Inc.’s Accessibility Policy and procedures applicable to individual roles. 

Incluzia Inc. will also ensure that those who are involved in the development and approval of our organization’s accessibility-related policies, practices and procedures are trained on applicable accessibility legislation and Human Rights Code content that relates to persons with disabilities.  

The Administrative Support Person will maintain training records.  

Information and Communication  

Incluzia Inc. will communicate with persons with disabilities in formats that take into account their disability and accessibility needs and, whenever possible, in the manner they request.  

Upon request, Incluzia Inc. will provide or arrange for the provision of information about our organization and its services, including public safety information, in accessible or alternate formats and communication supports. We will provide this information for persons with disabilities, in a timely manner and at no additional cost to the individual making the request.  

In the event that Incluzia Inc. determines information or communications cannot be provided in the format requested, we will provide the individual making the request with an explanation and with a summary version of the information or communication requested.  

Incluzia Inc. will also meet internationally recognized Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA website requirements indicated in the AMA, with any web content that it controls or manages.  

Assistive Devices  

Incluzia Inc. is committed to serving persons with disabilities who use assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit from our services.  

Staff will be trained on how to interact with persons with disabilities who use an assistive device. In the event that an individual experiences a barrier when attempting to use their assistive device to access Incluzia Inc.’s services or clinic facility, our staff will work with the individual to provide alternate ways to accommodate their needs.  

Service Animals   

Incluzia Inc. is committed to welcoming persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal on clinic premises that are open to the public and other third parties.  

Incluzia Inc. employees will be trained on how to interact with persons with disabilities who require the assistance of a guide dog or other service animal. 

Service animals can often be identified through visual indicators. For example, a guide dog might be wearing a harness or a vest with a certification badge or it may be helping a person perform tasks. If a service animal cannot be identified easily, Incluzia Inc. staff may request that the person with the animal provide documentation from a regulated health professional to confirm that the animal is required for reasons relating to their disability. 

Persons with disabilities accompanied by a service animal are required to be in care and control of the service animal at all times. 

Support Persons  

Incluzia Inc. is committed to welcoming persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person.  

Incluzia Inc. employees will be trained on how to interact with persons with disabilities who require the assistance of a support person. Any person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to access clinic premises that are open to the public and other third parties.  

At no time will a person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person be prevented from having access to their support person while on the premises. However, as confidential information may be discussed while providing services to clients, Incluzia Inc. adheres to applicable privacy legislation. We may require written consent from clients for information collection and disclosure to share information with others, and we may require a support person to sign a confidentiality agreement if accompanying a client where confidential information is being disclosed. 

Notice of Temporary Disruption  

Incluzia Inc. will provide notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in accessible clinic services or facilities usually used by persons with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative services or facilities, if available.  

Incluzia Inc. will communicate details of a disruption of accessible services to employees, clients, and the public using methods that are appropriate to the service disruption.  

Incluzia Inc. facility staff will post notice of disruption of services at the front entrance of the clinic facility. For disruption of accessible clinic services or facilities, Incluzia Inc. will post notice at the location of the disruption within the clinic.  

For lengthy and planned disruptions, Incluzia Inc. staff will post a notice on our website at

Where appropriate, we will also use other methods of communicating notice of a disruption of accessible services, including our social media sites, emails or phone calls to those with scheduled appointments, and notifications on our voicemail system. 

Establishment of Accessibility Policies and Plans  

Incluzia Inc. will create and maintain a multi-year accessibility plan outlining our strategy to identify, prevent and remove barriers and to meet our requirements under applicable accessibility legislation. We will review and update the Incluzia Inc. accessibility plan every two years, in consultation with members of our Accessibility Advisory Committee, and other Incluzia Inc. staff interested in providing feedback during the review period.  

Incluzia Inc. will post our accessibility policy and multi-year accessibility plan on our website at and we will provide these documents in an alternate format upon request.  

Hiring (for applicants)  

Incluzia Inc. is committed to being inclusive in our hiring policies. We will notify the public that we will accommodate the needs of people with disabilities throughout our selection and hiring process. During the selection process, we will include the following paragraph in print and online job postings:   

Incluzia Inc. is committed to building a diverse team through inclusive recruitment and selection. We welcome and encourage applications from all individuals. If you require an accommodation during the selection process, please inform us as soon as possible at and we will make every effort to fulfill your accommodation request.  

When scheduling an interview, we will ask applicants if they have any accommodation requests. If an interview candidate requests an accommodation, we will discuss their request with them and make every effort to fulfill their accommodation requests.  

Workplace Information (for employees)  

Upon request by an employee, Incluzia Inc. will provide workplace information in an accessible or alternate format or offer communication supports when needed. Workplace information includes:  

  • Any information employees need to perform their jobs (for example, job descriptions and manuals); and  
  • General information that is available to all employees at work (for example, our Accessible Employment Policy, email communications about Company news or updates, Company newsletters, bulletins about Company policies, and health and safety information).  

Incluzia Inc. will work with employees who request accommodations to determine how best to meet their needs and to provide accessible workplace information in a timely manner.  

We will work with employees with disabilities to develop individual accommodation plans. Where necessary, these plans will also include individual emergency response plans and information to assist during an emergency or evacuation.  

Incluzia Inc. will take into account any accessibility needs identified by employees during performance management, career development and possible redeployment processes.  

Design of Public Spaces  

When building or making major changes to public spaces of the Incluzia Inc. clinic facility, we will ensure that accessible designs are incorporated wherever possible.   

Communicate Accessibility Policies  

Incluzia Inc. will inform all employees about policies to support persons with disabilities. If any Incluzia Inc. accessibility policies or procedures are modified, all current employees will be informed. 

The current Incluzia Inc. Accessibility Policy, Multi-year Accessibility Plan, and other public accessibility policies and procedures are posted at

Changes to Existing Company Policies  

Incluzia Inc. will modify or remove any existing policies that do not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. 

Feedback or Questions  

Feedback regarding accessibility to Incluzia Inc. services, our clinic facility, and the manner in which our employees interact with others is welcome and appreciated. Feedback assists us in identifying and removing barriers to accessibility.  

Feedback can be provided in person, by email or phone, or by using our Accessibility Feedback Form, which is available upon request and on our website at

Incluzia Inc. staff or management will work with the individual to address any questions or feedback. Feedback not resolved at initial contact or requiring additional follow-up is provided to Customer Support, who will communicate with and provide a response to the individual who provided the feedback. 

Contact Us 
Incluzia Inc. Customer Support 
204-201-2500 ext. 2